
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Garage Sales

Oh man! I don't even know where to begin. I know I've been collecting stuff for a few years now, but I had no idea how much.

When I first mentioned to my mom and aunt that I was going to have a garage sale a couple of weeks ago, they both got so excited, telling me the details of what I needed to do and telling me how they wanted to participate. After seeing their total delight, especially my aunt--my mom's twin sister--whose face lights up when she talks about garage sales and flea market earnings, I felt an obligation to get my act together and organize my stuff to have an effective sale. Then, Monday rolled around. I sent the boys to Andy's and had a few hours to get stuff together. I started with the baby clothing, sorting  0-3 mo, 3-6 mo--all the way up to 18 mo. I hardly made a dent before it was time to pick up the boys, and I felt so overwhelmed, so much so that I decided the garage sale was off. How could I organize if I have my kids to take care of? Then, Tuesday rolled around.

Enter my heart-of-gold-aunt, who is a garage sale fanatic, a smoker, and the most blunt person I know.  Firmly, "Kates, you're having a garage sale. I will help you. And, I brought all my stuff down(e.g. her hand made jewelry, balloons, Christmas toys, and other fun items)!" "Katie, these clothes need to be organized. Get to work!" "Kates, I already priced those things of yours. You don't have to, honey." "What else do you need help with?" "Katie, I'll be here at 6:30 am to help you set up."

Because of her help, I felt confident that I could pull it off during that first weekend of October, and I also felt an obligation to have a garage sale so she could make some money from her awesome jewelry.

On garage sale day, I happily greeted her as she pulled up to my house in the dark morning with"Hey, there's my garage sale friend!" I saw her sneak a smile. Things were good. My aunt and I hung out, and she smoked at a distance. I could smell it, but I wasn't entirely offended.  My mom showed up at about 9:30, which always changes my aunt's smoking habits. We set up my mom's stuff, and she began to sell things with ease. Then, she would go over to my neighbors, who were having a garage sale as well, and buy stuff, always breaking even. Every time she made money, she spent money. On day 3, after "buying" (shall we say, "retrieving") things from her own sale stack and trying on her own shoes, she said, "I'm just being me." It's true. She loves stuff, even her own stuff that she's trying to sell!!! : ) I love that about her! 

My aunt, on day three, got really comfortable smoking next to me. I was amazed. I felt like her smoking that close to me was an interesting way of saying, "I love you." I respectfully asked her to smoke elsewhere when a guest would arrive. If the boys were there at the garage sale, she wouldn't have been so obvious. Still, though, I feel like her gesture of smoking next to me multiple times was a gesture of love, as weird as that seems. I think she feels like I accept her and am diggin' her way of  life--garage sales, flea markets, cigarettes and coffee.  And, honestly, I am (except the cigarettes and not so much the coffeee). Love her and my mom to the moon and back. (this blog is to be continued. :) )